At the beginning stages of a rider’s development, being prepared is the first stage of a rider’s ability to help the horse perform in the freedom of movement he was designed for. A balanced and relaxed rider, free of tension, with good posture and body awareness, can give nice clear aids to allow the horse to respond and move properly.
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe proper rider attire.
- Learn Safe Mounting/Dismounting Techniques.
- Explain the Basic Western Rider Position.
- Learn the two methods of holding the Western-style reins; One-Handed and Two-Handed Position.
- Learn how to measure the correct stirrup length.
- Explain how to use Rider Aids, the application of aids, and how they affect the response of the horse.
- Describe how to apply the Rein Effects.
- Identify the 4 natural Gaits and movements of the Western horse.
- Identify Arena Letters & their Use, School Figures.
- Explain the importance of cooling down your horse.
The Western Rider Level 1 Course will be of interest to all riders or future riders who wish to improve their knowledge and skill in the basics of good Western Equitation.
Recommended Prerequisite: Stable Management Basics