The purpose of the course is to teach the driver a safe method of putting the horse to the carriage with the assistance of a header/safety person and to become familiar with the two basic types of carriages/carts and their uses.
By the end of this course, the Driver will be able to understand the theory of:
- Lungeing, ground driving,
- Training a horse to pull weight
- Aids used for driving
- Reinmanship, two-handed, one-handed
- How to build & use a reinboard
- Hitching and unhitching
- Understand transitions, at a walk and halt.
- Understand the principles of developing correct bend.
- Understand basic ring work which includes; the layout and lettering of a dressage ring, change rein, and appropriate aids for the rein back.
A Certificate Of Completion is generated on the Members Dashboard, a 90% grade is required with unlimited attempts to achieve this.
Recommended Prerequisite: Getting Started
Course Instructor
Hitching Up
Ground Work
Putting To (Hitching)
Rein Aids
Basic Ringwork
- Before starting this course you must complete the required prerequisite course: Getting Started